How to build a healthy portfolio?

bfcAdmin 31 Jul, 2024 12:29 pm

How to build a healthy portfolio?

Imagine your portfolio as a delicious and nutritious meal. We initially find food like a plate of fries tempting and tasty, but it will not give us the required health benefits. Similarly, as a diet must include various food groups, a portfolio should also be diverse. Let me show you how making the smorgasbord of investments is possible, where the various assets have an inherent growth prospect and are relatively stable against abyssal economic shifts. Knowing your tolerance and willingness to take risks and choosing the right investment instruments carefully helps you come up with a portfolio that will suit your financial plan for the next few years.

So let’s get ready to discover tips on how to maintain a portfolio as nutritional as a perfectly balanced dish.

What is a portfolio?

Think of a suitcase filled with all your different belongings. Clothes, shoes, electronics, each item serves a purpose. Now, picture a similar bag for your finances. This suitcase, called a portfolio, holds all your investments. These can be individual stocks, bonds, mutual funds, real estate, or other asset classes. The goal is to have a healthy mix of these investments, just like you wouldn’t pack only sandals for a winter trip. A balanced portfolio helps spread out risk. If the value of one investment goes down, the others might hold steady, keeping your investments more stable to market fluctuations.

Tips to build a healthy portfolio

Ever feel overwhelmed by the world of investing? I hope you are not the only one feeling this way because you are not! A good investment portfolio puts your financial security on par with that of the security of a well-built house. But how can you create this safe place for your well-deserved money? Here are some key strategies to create a balanced and resilient portfolio:

Know Your Goals: 

The first question that occurs when you start building your portfolio is a “why.” What is your objective in investing? Is it for a specific goal ranging from one year or less, for instance, for a holiday or to accumulate money to purchase a car? Or is it for your child’s education or maybe after your retirement? What are goals ahead of time? These goals will help you figure out when you need the money – short-term or long-term. Short-term goals have a small time horizon; therefore, taking risks can result in losses, whereas long-term goals have a time horizon that can accommodate risk-taking.

Diversify Your Portfolio:

Suppose you eat a delicious meal, but it wouldn’t be very healthy if it only consisted of dessert! Similarly, a portfolio shouldn’t rely on just one type of asset class. Diversification is crucial in spreading risk. This means having an investment in multiple asset classes, such as equity, fixed income securities, commodities, etc., enables you to manage through the market fluctuations. Think of it as building a charcuterie board; you have some proteins, sweet and sharp notes, and fats to balance out the perfect snack. The same thing goes for your portfolio: a healthy mix of investments helps ensure you’re not left with a bitter taste if one asset goes down.

Invest in Low-Cost Funds:

When building a strong portfolio, prioritize low-cost investment options. These funds act like financial workhorses, which means minimizing fees that can eat into your returns over time. Think of them as following the market’s lead, passively tracking its performance instead of relying on expensive teams of analysts or paying fund managers who actively track your investments. By focusing on low-cost options, you’re laying the foundation for a healthier portfolio that can leverage the power of compounding interest for better long-term results.

Rebalance Your Portfolio Regularly:

It is possible to have an adjustment in the weighting of your investment over the years. Rebalancing is the process of making changes in the portfolio every now and then in order to achieve investors’ targets in asset allocation. This makes sure you stay on track in achieving your goal, and in controlling the risk level throughout your investment journey. Imagine your wardrobe for a second. Over a few seasons, you might find a surplus of summer clothes compared to winter wear. Rebalancing your portfolio is like seasonally refreshing your closet. You might sell off some lightly used summer pieces and use the proceeds to buy a cozy new winter coat. This keeps your wardrobe balanced and ready for any weather, just like rebalancing, which keeps your portfolio on track for your financial goals, come sunshine or storm.

Consider Taxes:

Tax costs are an essential parameter in building an efficient portfolio and, thus, should not be overlooked. It is equally important to note that taxes often influence the returns you can achieve on your investments. Therefore, making a discriminated choice on your investments concerning taxes that can be paid is crucial so that the tax factor does not dent your overall returns. Several tax issues should be taken into consideration when it comes to placing investments in the portfolio. Firstly, it is necessary to get acquainted with the peculiarities of taxation in terms of different types of investments and to distribute the investments properly to minimize the share of taxes. 

Monitor Your Portfolio: 

Keep an eye on your portfolio, but don’t let market storms turn you into a seasick mess. Stay informed about the financial weather, but stick to your long-term plan. Imagine you’re sailing towards a distant island – there will be rough seas and calm waters along the way. The key is to stay focused on your destination and not get thrown off course by every wave. Remember, slow and steady wins the investment race!


Using all the tips mentioned, you will prepare yourself a portfolio similar to a balanced meal. Building a solid portfolio isn’t about packing it full of desserts; it’s about creating a healthy mix that keeps you fueled for the long haul.

By including various investments referred to here as “foods” and adjusting the portions as needed, you can create a balanced portfolio that fuels your financial goals and keeps your future bright! So, eat your balanced meal with confidence—invest in a diversified portfolio, enjoy the journey, and savour the financial security it can bring!

Remember, building wealth is a journey, not a destination.

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Also, check out our recent post on: “How Does Asset Allocation Help You Achieve Your Goals? A Detailed Guide 2024!

To learn more about mutual funds, contact us via Phone, WhatsApp, Email, or visit our Website. Additionally, you can download the Prodigy Pro app to start investing today!

Disclaimer – This article is for educational purposes only and by no means intends to substitute expert guidance. Mutual fund investments are subject to market risks. Please read all scheme-related documents carefully before investing. 

Imagine your portfolio as a delicious and nutritious meal. We initially find food like a plate of fries tempting and tasty, but it will not give us..

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