Securities Transaction Tax – What is STT in Mutual Fund?

bfcAdmin 27 Aug, 2024 10:43 am

Securities Transaction Tax - What is STT in Mutual Fund

To those who have no clue, mutual funds are considered a way to get richer!

However, this financial product contains an invisible tax that can eat into your gains: Securities Transaction Tax (STT).   

It may seem like a small amount of money for every stock or mutual fund transaction, but in the long run, it could be quite significant. Come with us, and let us break this STT puzzle down so that we can understand how it impacts our investments in mutual funds. 

Let me remove the veil from what is often ignored in terms of cost and provide you with all the information necessary to make wise investment choices.

So, let’s get started!

What is STT in Mutual Fund? Securities Transaction Tax

Let’s start by discovering what STT actually means!

India levies a tax known as security transaction tax (STT) on the purchase and sale of securities in the stock market. The government came up with this levy to earn revenue from stock market transactions. It is applicable to various types of securities, including shares, derivatives, and mutual funds. In the case of funds, the STT is imposed when buying and redeeming equity-oriented mutual funds.

The rate of tax or Securities Transaction Tax (STT) ranges between different kinds of transactions one carries out. An example is that the tax rate on delivery-based equity transactions is different from intra-day equity transactions. Meanwhile, the AMC will deduct the tax from your sale proceeds when you sell mutual fund units. By implication, this will relieve you from STT payment concerns. Investors should note that STT is a burden on one hand, but on the other hand AMC pays for it.

In effect, taxation in the securities market has been made easier through STT; however, it affects how much money can be made from investing in funds and other securities. Being aware of the consequences of avoiding STT can assist in better investment choices.

Purpose of STT

While looking for the purpose of STT, let’s explain it as the Security Transaction Tax (STT) was intended to garner revenue from stock market transactions. It is designed to rationalize taxation in the security market and make it more open. Also, STT impacts fund returns and other forms of securities, therefore investors can make informed investment choices if they understand the consequences of not paying STT.

How is STT different from other taxes?

The STT is different from other taxes in various ways. Unlike income tax, which is imposed on the earnings of individuals or entities, STT is a charge on securities transactions in India’s stock markets. Another difference is that it is a transaction tax specifically related to securities transactions and irrespective of gain or loss, investors need to pay STT.

Besides, STT does not apply to all financial transactions. It is limited only to certain securities such as equities, derivatives, mutual funds in India, while other taxes like income tax and capital gains tax cover a range of income and investment activities.

The collection of fees and their effects on investors can differ. The period it takes to net these charges is reliant on how they are applied. When this occurs, the process is much easier if stockbrokers and government agencies collaborate. If not, then the fees may have to be assessed by investors themselves. In general, these fees are supposed to generate money from stock market acts in particular circumstances. This necessitates that investors appreciate the disparities that exist in order for them to make sound choices concerning their investments and taxes.

STT and Mutual Funds

Securities Transaction Tax (STT) is an important aspect to keep in mind when investing in mutual funds. STT imposes a tax on the buying and selling of securities in the stock market, including mutual funds. It is applicable at the time of buying and redeeming equity-oriented mutual funds.

The impact of STT on mutual fund returns is noteworthy. Such payment reduces the amount of money that can be recouped from the units of a mutual fund thereby affecting overall investments. But it’s also necessary for investors to appreciate how this tax affects their choices in investment as well as returns.

It should be remembered by investors that STT is unlike other taxes like income tax and capital gains tax. Unlike income tax, which bases itself on earnings, STT deals with sales or purchases involving securities transactions regardless of whether one has made a gain or loss. These variances are significant for stakeholders since they determine how they will make their investments.

How is STT calculated for mutual funds?

Comparative analysis was used to compare mutual funds in India and the US. Hence, AMC calculates and charges STT on the purchase or sale of equity-oriented mutual fund units. Specifically, the AMC deducts this investment tax directly from the redemption proceeds so as to avoid making investors pay it separately. For example, in order for people to make informed decisions on personal options for investing, it is necessary to understand how STT affects returns on mutual fund investments. 

Although not all will take advantage of this simplified process because they will still find loopholes for it while looking at the stock market, some investors are compelled by their knowledge about such taxes when considering whether or not they should invest in a particular mutual fund.

Impact of STT on Mutual Funds Returns

If we check for the impacts of STT on mutual fund returns, we can explain it as  Mutual funds’ returns are heavily affected by the Securities Transaction Tax (STT) to which they are subjected. In India, STT is levied on buying and redeeming mutual fund units that are equity-oriented. This means investors themselves make the payment whenever they want to cash out their investments.

This taxation streamlines trades at the stock exchange, but at the same time reduces the amount of money redeemed from mutual fund units. Therefore, informed decisions regarding investment options require knowledge about how STT affects these returns. For investors who want to maximize their investment strategies and minimize tax costs on their income, understanding how the STT affects mutual fund returns becomes indispensable. In general, knowing about STT on mutual fund investments helps an investor make more informed decisions and better optimize his/her investment strategies.

On a parting note…

Investors need to know how the Securities Transaction Tax (STT) affects mutual funds in order to make informed decisions. Though it is a good thing that STT simplifies security market transactions, but it will be very important for investors to understand its impact on their rates of return and take this into account before deciding what investment to make. Monitoring STT and the implications it has can give investors an edge in terms of making more strategic and informed choices when investing in mutual funds.

We truly wish you find this article helpful as it seeks rendering a proper understanding of what is meant by security transaction tax and its effects on mutual fund returns.

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Disclaimer – This article is for educational purposes only and does not intend to substitute expert guidance. Mutual fund investments are subject to market risks. Please read the scheme-related document carefully before investing. 


To those who have no clue, mutual funds are considered a way to get richer! However, this financial product contains an invisible tax that can eat into..

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