Understanding the Importance of Regular Portfolio Reviews | Financial Planning

bfcAdmin 18 Oct, 2024 10:56 am
Regular Portfolio Reviews

Portfolio review is arguably among the most ignored activities in financial planning. For Indian investors, when market dynamics change at a rapid speed, economic policies change, and personal conditions also change pretty frequently, regular portfolio reviews are more or less the only way to accomplish the goals set for the long run. 

This article sheds light on its importance and gives a detailed guide on how the review can get going to develop your investment strategy.

Why Regular Portfolio Reviews Matter

  1. Aligning with Financial Goals: Keeping in line with your financial goals, one’s financial goals continually change with every stage of life. Portfolio alignment would mean planning for goals like retirement, children’s education, or buying a house, among other things. Periodic reviews ensure that investments are in step with current needs and future ones and allow necessary modifications to be made before it gets too late​.
  2. Rebalance Asset Allocation: As market conditions change, the performance of a few asset classes will move. What worked last year may not turn out well now. Regular monitoring will help set your portfolio back to the asset allocation band you are comfortable with at the right time. This is important because, as an investor, one would wish to avoid over-exposure to any particular asset class, equity, or debt, which might increase the risk unnecessarily​.
  3. Risk Management: Your risk tolerance might vary from one point to the other because of circumstances in a personal nature, the conditions of the market, and also a change in financial objectives; a regular review of a portfolio allows a revaluation of one’s risk appetite and reallocation of investments. For example, nearing retirement, one may be interested in switching from high-risk equities to more stable income-generating assets.
  4. Go For Market Opportunities: The Indian market is known for its volatility and rapid changes, driven mainly by economic policies, global events, and technological innovations. Regular portfolio reviews allow you to spot and take advantage of new market opportunities through emerging sectors or under-valued stocks while freeing up resources from underperforming assets.​

The Process of a Portfolio Review

  1. Analyzing Personal Circumstances: Begin assessing how your personal life has changed, marriage, children, or new income, etc. These personal life events impact your financial goals, and your investment strategy, of course. For example, you may want to save money for a newborn child’s education, which will prompt you to need to make a change in your portfolio​.
  2. Evaluate Asset Allocation: Next in line is the review of your current asset allocation to be in line with your risk tolerance and financial goals. It also includes a look at the percentage of different asset classes like equities, bonds, gold, etc., and making the required adjustments. For example, if equities have grown faster than other assets, you might need to rebalance by selling some equity and buying bonds to maintain your desired risk level​.
  3. Diversification Check: Diversification is an important principle in the management of risk. A sound portfolio will be diversified in its investments, across different sectors and geographies and into different types of assets in order to limit risk. The portfolio review should, therefore, check to ensure that the amount of exposure is not too heavily concentrated in any one area. For instance, if you were mostly exposed to Indian equities, perhaps adding in international exposures in stock or bonds to limit domestic market risk.
  4. Monitor Performance: You will find yourself in the position of having to keep an eye on the performance of each investment by itself. This can be accomplished by monitoring their returns or value change in reference to a benchmark of interest that indicates your expectations from them. Poor performers should raise additional questions and could call for a strenuous replacement with a source that can offer better alternatives.
  5. Tax Efficiency: Tax planning is an inextricable part of financial planning in India. Periodic reviewing of the portfolio can help in the optimal realization of tax efficiency by bringing to light various investment chances that offer tax savings and rebalancing the portfolio in order to minimize tax levies. For example, investment in tax-saving mutual funds or revaluation of debt investments could lead to significant savings on taxes.
  6. Liquidity Review: Liquidity refers to the ease of realizing cash from investments without an adverse impact on their market price. While reviewing the portfolio, ensure liquidity in your assets to take care of emergency needs. Investments such as liquid mutual funds or short-term bonds provide a cushion for meeting unforeseen expenses​.

Common Mistakes to Avoid

  1. Ignoring Market Changes: One of the key prominent mistakes by the investors is sticking to the same investment approach without consideration of changes in the market. The Indian financial market is dynamic and failure to adapt may lead to opportunities lost or unnecessary loss​.
  2. Emotional Investing: Emotional decisions—like panic selling during a market downswing or getting overly optimistic during a bull run—deviate you from your investment plan. Periodic portfolio reviews help temper this by providing a systematic way of making decisions.
  3. Ignoring Small Investments: It’s easy to ignore small investments, especially those that aren’t doing particularly well. However, these can soon add up and begin to take a sizeable slice of your overall portfolio. Regular reviews help to identify such underperformers and make a decision – should you still hold it or is it time to sell. 

The Role of Financial Experts

Although this may be carried out individually, doing it with a financial adviser will help the client do so much. Financial experts can avail you with expertise, objectivism, and tools for coping with sophisticated financial markets. They can offer advice that suits your personal situation and long-term objectives, ensuring that your portfolio stays the course. 


Regular review of the portfolio is not just best practice but in need to derive financial success in investing within India. It could ensure that investments remain attached to goals, risk tolerance, and market conditions. You get to make informed decisions during these reviews, based on which you are able to optimize your portfolio for higher returns and lower risks in order to secure a firmer financial future.

Call to Action

To learn more about mutual funds, contact us via Phone, WhatsApp, or Email, or visit our website. Additionally, you can download the Prodigy Pro app to start investing today!

Disclaimer – This article is for educational purposes only and by no means intends to substitute expert guidance. Mutual fund investments are subject to market risks. Please read all scheme-related documents carefully before investing.

Portfolio review is arguably among the most ignored activities in financial planning. For Indian investors, when market dynamics change at a rapid speed, economic policies change, and..

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