What Is A Dividend Yield Mutual Fund? How it Works?

bfcAdmin 11 Sep, 2024 7:27 am

Dividend Yield Mutual Fund

If you want your savings to give you the maximum returns with a minimum risk factor then you have to say yes to mutual funds, more specifically to this dividend yield mutual funds. But are you aware of the concept? Let us give you a brief idea first about these funds. 

What Is A Dividend Yield Mutual Fund? Get An Overall Idea First

When investing in equity or something that is related to equity, dividends are one of the most crucial part to be considered. By announcing dividends, maximum businesses distribute a portion of their profits to the shareholders. But unfortunately, some businesses declare no dividends at any cost, as others are paying out large dividends. Companies choose to declare dividends in order to increase the interest in investing in their stocks, but they are not bound to offer so. Here we’ll be giving you detailed guidance that will certainly help you a lot to make the best decision regarding dividend yield mutual funds. Stay tuned with us till the end.

Basic Features Of Dividend Yield Mutual Fund

To directly invest in a fund, you should always explore the features for a clear understanding. 

  • It Requires Minimum Asset Allocation 

According to the rules given by SEBI (Security & Exchange Board Of India), this dividend yield mutual fund category has to share a minimum of 65% of their assets in the dividend yield stocks.

  • Options For Profit Distribution To The Shareholders

Generally, the company pays the dividends sourced from the profits they made through their holdings. Depending on the company’s law they can reinvest the profits and or distribute the profits to the shareholders.

  • Gives High Dividends 

The percentage of dividends to the shareholder is different for each company, but with dividend-yield mutual funds, the shareholders will get the best values for sure.

Advantages Of Investing In Dividend Yield Mutual Fund

The key advantages of investing in dividend-yielding mutual funds are as follows:

  • A Source To Have Regular Income

With these funds, you’ve got a chance to get constant dividends even if you hold lesser units in the fund. As a result, you will have a reliable stream of revenue, and that will work like a passive income for you.

  • High Return In Long Run

Just like the basic rule of mutual funds, these funds also have the potential to provide a way better return on investment over time. And that’s why it could also be interesting for the new investors in the market.

  • Diminished Volatility

These funds’ underlying companies are mostly unaffected by fluctuations in the market If they start getting affected negatively major indices fall impacting negatively.

  • Better Diversification 

The best part about dividend yield MFs, is that they invest in highly paying out dividend stocks and hence are safe for investors seeking out regular income and are there for the longer run. Any adverse movements can be ironed out because these stocks are mainly for long term investors.

Ideal Investor For Dividend Yield Mutual Fund With Minimum Investment 

Since these funds typically invest in large-cap or reputed companies, they offer a return that is comparatively steady. Therefore, only those investors might purchase these funds if they are looking for a stable return, mainly in the form of dividend income on a regular basis.

It’s a big myth if you think that these funds only do investment in big businesses and that’s why you would need a bigger amount to begin your investment in dividend yield mutual funds. While each fund has a different requirement of investment, you can start your first investment with a small amount of Rs. 500 through SIP investments. If you decide to make a lump sum investment of Rs. 5,000, you can also do that in the dividend yield mutual funds. Lakhs of rupees are not needed to begin investing in any kind of mutual funds. This is the best feature of investing in mutual funds in general, and dividend yield funds are no exception. (If you would like, you might begin investing with a very little part of your monthly income) through the prodigy pro app. If you invest that small amount of money for a longer period of time, compound interest has the ability to help it grow enormously.

How Does The Dividend Yield Mutual Fund Generally Work? 

These companies offer larger dividend payments are frequently included in dividend mutual funds. Mutual funds that invest in dividend firms have a history of increasing payouts or providing high dividend yields. In the opposite way, a dividend-paying mutual fund might not be the best option for everyone because of its slow growth in net asset value, or NAV. This happens when dividends are distributed as soon as a predetermined limit is reached. Due to this, dividend mutual funds are suitable for low-risk investors who wish to earn income in the form of dividends.

Know The Rules Of Taxation For Dividend Yield Mutual Funds

TDS (Tax Deducted at Source) of 10%is applicable on dividend income if it exceeds Rs 5,000 in a financial year. In India, if you receive dividends then you must report this income in your ITR file. After filing  can claim up to 20% deduction  of the gross dividend income towards the interest expense incurred to earn such dividend income. 


If you have come so far then we hope you understood the importance of having a mutual fund scheme at any age. According to the professionals, this should be sharted right from the first month of your earning. The similar concept goes with dividend yield mutual funds as well. This mutual fund is less risky and has many positive features but before you invest, discuss the limitations as well with your financial advisors, aside from this you can take further guidance from different online resources as well.

Please share your thoughts on this post by leaving a reply in the comments section. Contact us via Phone, WhatsApp, or Email to learn more about mutual funds, or visit our website. Alternatively, you can download the Prodigy Pro app to start investing today!

Disclaimer – This article is for educational purposes only and does not intend to substitute expert guidance. Mutual fund investments are subject to market risks. Please read the scheme-related document carefully before investing.

If you want your savings to give you the maximum returns with a minimum risk factor then you have to say yes to mutual funds, more specifically..

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