Should You Invest in a Dividend Yield Mutual Funds!

bfcAdmin 30 Jul, 2024 12:39 pm

What Are Dividend Yield Mutual Funds?

Imagine a tap dripping steadily. The trickling water stream is insignificant, but this drip might even fill a bucket drop by drop, a tub, or even a pool over time!

Dividend yield funds work similarly! They are designed to collect and turn company payouts into a potential overflowing returns pool.

But should you invest in a dividend yield fund? And is it going to be the right choice for you? Get ready because this blog post will dive into the investment world and explore the benefits and drawbacks of a dividend yield fund. We will break down complicated concepts into simpler words to make it easier for you to comprehend if these ‘dripping taps’ have the potential to become the foundation of your financial future!


Dividend yield funds are a subcategory of equity-based mutual funds in which your money is invested in companies that pay dividends. These funds focus primarily on dividend-paying stocks.

The portfolio of dividend mutual funds generally includes established blue-chip companies engaged in various sectors, such as reality, FMCG, pharma, etc.

Here are listed some key points about dividend yield funds:

  • They invest in businesses that offer larger dividends with the intention of generating money for their owners. For investors looking to generate a consistent income stream from their investments, these funds are perfect.
  • These are thought to be safer and have a lower risk than other equity mutual funds.
  • Dividend yield funds balance risk management and income generation, making them highly suitable for those prioritising passive income and stability.


Generally speaking, a dividend yield fund invests in the stocks of companies that offer larger dividend payments than other kinds of companies. These funds invest in businesses that have a history of paying out dividends on time and/or offering high yields on such payouts.

Mutual funds with a dividend option might not suit everybody because of their NAV, as they do not experience rapid growth. This usually occurs when dividends are given out once a specific threshold has been met.

For this reason, investors seeking dividends throughout the course of their investment period and have a limited tolerance for risk can consider dividend yield funds.



High-yielding stocks for dividends: The bulk of the equities purchased by fund managers under this fund are owned by companies that either pay out greater dividends or actually distribute dividends to their shareholders.

Minimum amount of assets allocated:Asset allocation is the process of investing across multiple asset classes in order to balance risk and reward.Dividend-yield funds are required by SEBI regulations to invest at least 65% of their assets in dividend-paying stocks.

Profit Distribution: Dividend yield funds provide income to investors by combining cash and equities from companies that pay out a percentage of their profits in dividends.


  • Decreased risk: Dividend-yielding funds are a better option for investors who are less risk-adverse because they have a lower risk profile than other equity-based mutual funds.
  • The diversification process: By holding a variety of stocks, dividend yield funds help spread out the risk involved with investing.
  • Suitable for novice investors: For individuals who lack experience in investing and are searching for a consistent passive income stream, dividend yield funds are a great option.
  • High return over an extended period of time: The goal of dividend yield funds is to create a consistent flow of income by investing in equities with strong fundamentals. 


Those looking for a reliable passive income stream but with a reduced risk tolerance may want to look at dividend yield products. These mutual funds may be suitable for investors who want to invest in stocks but aren’t ready to take on risk, put their money in reputable companies, or look for reduced volatility.


Sure, we did discuss dividend yield funds—their benefits, features, and other things. To abandon you, nevertheless, without giving you enough information regarding the limitations or disadvantages of investing in a dividend yield fund would be immoral. When considering dividend yield funds, investors should be aware of the following major disadvantages:

Inadequate for achieving immediate goals:These funds are often better suited for long-term investors seeking a consistent flow of passive income, so if you plan to sell them quickly, you might want to reconsider investing in them. Dividend-yielding equity funds should be considered by investors looking for steady returns with little volatility. Although the funds make investments in well-run businesses with strong financial records, the returns may not be consistent and may change with the cycles of the market.

Limited capital appreciation:These funds primarily focus on generating a regular income, potentially limiting their capital appreciation compared to other growth-oriented funds. If you are an investor seeking exponential capital appreciation, this fund might not align with your financial goals that much.


Investment horizon: It is recommended that you, as an investor, thoroughly consider the fund’s past records. A dividend yield fund that has seen the stock market’s bull and bear phases generally will provide you with a consistent return.

Risk appetite: As an investor, it is advised that you look into and assess your risk appetite before investing in any fund, and in this case, as well! Before investing in a dividend yield fund, consider your risk tolerance and market conditions, and carefully choose your investment.



We have now examined dividend yield funds, including their characteristics, operations, advantages, and disadvantages. Let’s get back to the topic at hand now!

Should you decide to invest right away or wait? The answer relies on your risk tolerance and financial objectives, just like most financial decisions!

Thanks to this blog, you are now prepared to traverse the world of dividend yield funds. What, then will be the course of your action plan?

Here is a simple one, in case you don’t already have one, to assist you in making a well-informed choice!

Think about and assess your objectives.

Determine the level of risk you can tolerate.

Choose a fund with a solid track record after doing some study! 

Although they can be a useful addition to your portfolio, dividend yield funds shouldn’t be your only source of income.

You can determine whether dividend yield funds are the key to unlocking the treasure trove of your investment ambitions by carefully analysing the advantages and disadvantages and coordinating them with your financial objectives!

Kindly respond to this post in the comments area to express your ideas. 

Contact us via Phone, WhatsApp, or Email to learn more about mutual funds, or visit our website. Additionally, you can download the Prodigy Pro app to start investing today!

Disclaimer – This article is for educational purposes only and does not intend to substitute expert guidance. Mutual fund investments are subject to market risks. Please read all scheme-related documents carefully before investing.

Imagine a tap dripping steadily. The trickling water stream is insignificant, but this drip might even fill a bucket drop by drop, a tub, or even a..

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