Where to Invest for Retirement? Traditional vs Modern Investing

bfcAdmin 3 Sep, 2024 1:02 pm

Traditional vs Modern Investing

Among the main parameters of financial planning and asset management, retirement is one of the most important ones. All know that it’s unavoidable and, if not properly ready for it, can be challenging.

To make sure they can live well in retirement, individuals should investigate as many financial opportunities as they can. When the time comes, a variety of investing strategies can increase retirement savings accounts or provide passive income.

It is feasible to put together a well-rounded investment portfolio that will last retirees into their golden years by investigating and comprehending these investment possibilities, the dangers they carry, and the opportunities they bring.

In this article, we will look into how and where to put out wealth for retirement and which method is best possible. 

Traditional vs modern investing: what to choose?

When investing in mutual funds, experts advise investors to always take a structured approach by aligning their investments with various financial objectives. And for the same, we have two techniques. There are two types of investment methods: the traditional and modern.

The traditional method of goal-based investing was to select one or a small number of investment options to achieve a small number of key objectives. The predicted returns were predicated on the volatility and past performance of various financial instruments.

The modern method considers the reality that every financial objective varies with respect to its importance, degree of risk tolerance, and time required to attain it. It views each monetary objective as a stand-alone accomplishment. Specific vital goals might need to be sacrificed, such as a retirement fund, a marriage, etc.

Similarly, there might be short-term objectives where you are willing to take lesser risk, like saving money for trips, purchasing the newest car, etc. The purpose of the modern strategy is to determine the optimal mix of investments for each objective on its own.

Why Is It Important to Plan for Retirement?

Once you retire, your income ceases. You will struggle to survive if you have no investments or money to fall back on. Furthermore, by the time you need your retirement corpus, inflation will have diminished its value if you are building it up in a savings bank account. In order to combat inflation, you must choose the best retirement plan and begin investing in it.

It could be difficult for you to manage your life with the money you have if you have not planned your retirement with the appropriate schemes. You may have to rely on other people to pay your bills. Therefore, it is crucial to plan your retirement with the proper plans in order to prevent this situation. Many retirement plans assist you in building up a sizeable chunk of money for your later years.

The importance of planning for retirement investment

To guarantee that retirees have more money when they retire, there are sound reasons to invest:

1. Inflation

The gradual decrease in the purchasing power of money is known as inflation.Due to inflation of 5% a time, worth 100 today will be valued at INR 105 in the next year.  The things you need won’t change, but your money’s worth will. Your money has to increase over time to keep up with inflation. Any decision you make about investments must consider inflation.

2. Pension after retierment

In India, the majority of people do not have pensions. To create their post-retirement income stream, they must save and invest consistently during their working years. 

3. Decrease in Interest Rate

Government small savings schemes and bank fixed deposits have been senior citizens’ primary income sources for years. In the last few fiscal years, interest rates on government modest savings accounts have dropped significantly. You’ll need to save more money and accumulate a bigger corpus if you want to make enough money to cover your needs after retirement if you are planning to go for small savings schemes

The Key to the Perfect Retirement Strategy

  • Make a Budget

This budget establishes and equates to your present income and expenses. Although you can have estimates of how much you would have to save monthly depending on your retirement goals, you still need to ensure you have the cash to save.

Thus, Managing housing and food costs while saving for retirement is reasonable. Hence a budget can help track current expenses and plan goals for the future.

  • Set Automatic Transfers

This tool can be arranged between your retirement account and your checking account so that you are reminded to save.

Coordinate it in a way that there is a specific date in every month when the set amount of money that is to be saved for the future is automatically moved from your bank balance to the selected investment product. If you approach it this way, you will spend the money wisely because you have calculated how to use the money.

  • Create An Emergency Account

If you have an emergency fund that is distinct from your retirement plans and has three to six months’ worth of pay put up, you can handle any unforeseen needs without risking your plans.

  • Cut Down on Debt

At the age of retirement, everyone should aim to be debt-free when they retire. That includes debt from credit cards, especially high-interest reward cards, loans for a car or house, any educational loans, and other large debts. The explanation is simple: as you approach your post-earning years, you want to avoid having debt.

Where to Invest for Retirement? 

It’s crucial to concentrate on assets with the potential for capital growth over a number of years when thinking about long-term investment alternatives in India. The following are a few of India’s top long-term investment choices:

  • National Pension Scheme (NPS) – It is an investment option for long-term retirement that permits the purchase of business bonds, government assets, and stocks.
  • Public Provident Fund (PPF) – It is a 15-year lock-in savings plan supported by the government that offers compound interest and tax advantages.
  • Debt mutual funds – It concentrate on fixed-income assets, which are an option for seniors considering mutual funds, even if equity-oriented mutual funds include higer risk. Compared to conventional fixed deposits, these yield better yields.
  • Fixed Deposits – Seniors who wish to invest in fixed deposits (FDs) can do so with banks, as these institutions frequently provide more excellent interest rates to this demographic. FDs offer assured returns and capital preservation.
  • SCSS, or Senior Citizen Savings Scheme – A government-sponsored savings program that only accepts senior citizens and has competitive interest rates. The scheme includes a five-year maturity period that can be extended for three years, and the maximum investment limit is INR 15 lakhs.

Ultimately, the ideal investment matches your ability to tolerate risk and financial needs.


In conclusion, everyone looks forward to the day when they can finally leave the workforce behind and retire. But the cost of doing so is high. Planning for retirement, therefore, becomes crucial in this circumstance.

Furthermore, it is irrelevant where you are in life. Tax benefits are conceivable, but they could not be enough, especially if you lead a certain lifestyle. You can reduce your troubles later on by saving money now.

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Disclaimer – This article is for educational purposes only and does not intend to substitute expert guidance. Mutual fund investments are subject to market risks. Please read the scheme-related document carefully before investing. 

Among the main parameters of financial planning and asset management, retirement is one of the most important ones. All know that it’s unavoidable and, if not properly..

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