Compounding Miracles: SIP Investing as the Secret Sauce to Financial Success

bfcAdmin 21 Mar, 2024 7:56 am


I’m sure many of you have been bombarded with advice to start an SIP when asking for ways to manage your finances. And you may have often wondered why everyone keeps insisting on starting an SIP. I mean, it’s a question that just begs to be asked, isn’t it? What is it about SIPs that makes them so special? You may have asked around, but how many of you have received a satisfactory answer? Some of you might say, “I have.” Well, then, good for you! But for those who haven’t, your wait is over now. If you’re one of the many who haven’t, then I, Ishita Singh, am here to help as I have the answer you’ve been waiting for. So sit back, relax, and get ready to discover the magic of SIPs- more like the secret sauce to financial success.

The Great Revelation- What Exactly is the Secret Sauce to Financial Success?

So, you want to know the secret to financial success, huh? Well, let me tell you- it’s not just about budgeting and saving (although those are definitely important). The real magic happens with something called *drumroll* COMPOUNDING! It’s like the secret sauce that takes your financial success recipe to the next level. Want to know more? Allow me to enlighten you.

What is Compounding- a Term so Confounding?

I know, I know you’re eager to know what this confounding-sounding term compounding means. Oh wait, it seems like I may have caused more confusion than there already was. My apologies. Now, without any more delay, let me get straight to the point. Compounding refers to the process of generating wealth through the accumulation of small investments made over a long period of time. In other words, by regularly investing small amounts, you can create a snowball effect that can help you achieve your financial goals faster.

Snowball effect- sounds fun, right? Well, let me explain compounding with an interesting example.

You know, like when you’re building a snowman, and you start with a small snowball, but as you roll it around in the snow, it gets bigger and bigger? That’s how compounding works in investments. 

With SIPs, you invest a certain amount of money regularly (let’s say every month). Over time, that money earns interest or returns, which gets added to your initial investment. And then, the next month, you invest again, and the interest or returns get added to the previous amount. This cycle continues, and your investment grows bigger and bigger, just like that snowball.

And the best part? The longer you stay invested, the more compounding works in your favour. It’s like that saying, “Time is money.” In this case, time is actually more money.

How Can You Unleash the True Power of Compounding?

Compounding is a powerful tool that can help us achieve financial success over time. But how can we make the most of it and unleash its full potential? This is a question that many of us ask ourselves, and the answer lies in understanding the mechanics of compounding and using it to our advantage. So, are you ready to learn how? Trust me, it’ll be worth it!

Start Early

What if I tell you that saving money is like building a house? You have to lay a strong foundation first and then slowly build upon it to create a solid structure. You agree that’s how you build a house, right? Similarly, when you start saving early, you lay the foundation for your financial future. As you continue to save and invest over time, your savings will grow and compound, just like how a house grows taller with each floor that is added. So, start early and build a strong financial foundation that will support you for many years to come.

To put things into perspective, let’s take a moment to imagine five friends who all share a common goal of building a massive Rs. 2 crore corpus before they retire at 60. Sounds exciting, right? But wait, there’s more! Each of these friends starts investing at a different age, which means they each have different time horizons to accumulate the required amount.

As expected, the ones who started later needed to invest a higher amount to reach their goal. So, what’s the key takeaway here? It’s never too early to start investing! The earlier you start, the more time you have to let your money grow and work for you. So, start early and build a strong financial foundation that will support you for many years to come.

Stay Invested

Investing your money can be a great way to grow your wealth over time. But once you start investing, staying invested for the long haul is important. Despite the ups and downs of the market or the occasional bad news about a particular stock or investment, sticking with it can lead to some seriously impressive long-term returns. Don’t believe it? I’m sure the following example will change your mind.

I’m sure you remember John Doe, our old investor friend. He started an SIP on 1st January 2003. With a clear goal in mind and armed with the power of compounding, he started investing ₹10,000 every month. He remained committed to his investment portfolio despite market fluctuations. Fast forward to 1st January 2024, 21 years later. John decided to evaluate his investment portfolio

What he discovered left him pleasantly surprised.

The power of compounding had worked its magic!

So, resist the urge to sell your investments during the tough times. Doing so will give your money more time to work its magic and generate even greater returns down the road. The key is to stay focused on your long-term goals and trust in the power of compounding to help you achieve them.


I’m sure you must’ve heard the phrase, “Don’t put all your eggs in one basket?” Well, that’s where diversification comes into play. Now, I know the term may sound a bit intimidating, but trust me, it’s not as complicated as it seems. In fact, diversification simply means spreading your investments across different asset classes like stocks, bonds, and real estate. The idea behind diversification is to minimise risk and maximise your returns over time. Since different investments perform differently in various market conditions, having a diversified portfolio can help protect you from market fluctuations and potentially increase your long-term gains.

Stay Disciplined

Investing can be an exciting and rewarding journey, but it’s not without its challenges. One of the biggest hurdles investors face is maintaining discipline. Getting caught up in market fluctuations or making emotional decisions is easy, but doing so can be costly. That’s why staying disciplined is crucial. Now, I would like to share something with you that will further prove my point.

Let me tell you an interesting story about Mr. Awasthi, a friend of my father’s who started investing in 1995 with just Rs. 5,000. Fast forward to December 1996, he checked his portfolio and was disappointed to see that his investment of around Rs. 1,20,000 was now worth only Rs. 84,998. Many people would have panicked and withdrawn their funds in such a situation. However, Mr. Awasthi was a disciplined investor and continued his SIP. The results were remarkable. By December 1999, his investment value had grown to Rs. 3,00,000, and the return was more than double that amount, Rs. 7,99,104.

But that’s not all. Mr. Awasthi faced the 2008 financial crisis and the Covid market crash with the same discipline. He continued his SIP as usual, and the results are truly amazing.

Take a look and see it for yourself!

Now you see! Today, his current valuation is more than Rs. 8 crore.

So, stick to your long-term investment plan, avoid impulsive decisions, and keep a diversified portfolio. By doing so, you’ll not only avoid costly mistakes, but you’ll also maximise the power of compounding over time. So, keep your eyes on the prize and stay disciplined!

Let’s Wrap it Up!

So, there you have it! Compounding may have been confounding before, but now you’re a pro! By regularly investing small amounts of money through an SIP, compounding can work its magic and help you achieve your financial goals faster. Remember to start early, stay invested, diversify your portfolio, and stay disciplined to unleash the full potential of compounding. It’s like building a snowman, starting with a small snowball and watching it grow bigger and bigger over time. So, what are you waiting for? Start investing and let compounding work its magic. Happy investing!

Please share your thoughts on this post by leaving a reply in the comments section. Also, check out our recent post on “From Payday to Prosperity: the Power of Sip Investments for Salaried Individuals” 

To learn more about mutual funds, contact us via Phone, WhatsApp, Email, or visit our Website. Alternatively, you can download the Prodigy Pro app to start investing today!


Disclaimer – This article is for educational purposes only and by no means intends to substitute expert guidance. Mutual fund investments are subject to market risks. Please read the offer document carefully before investing. 

I’m sure many of you have been bombarded with advice to start an SIP when asking for ways to manage your finances. And you may have often..

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