Tips for Managing Your Mutual Funds

bfcAdmin 16 Jul, 2024 11:53 am

Imagine your garage. Over time, it has turned into a messy collection of the most random items. You have an old record player you never use, a chipped tea set from a random relative, and possibly a box of childhood toys sitting neglected. It’s a mixture of various items, some valuable, some not, and none are especially well-arranged.

Sadly, this could represent the mutual fund portfolios of numerous individuals or yours as well. If you put money into various places without a specific strategy, it will result in a collection of funds that may not be efficiently aligned. What was the outcome? A portfolio that is not meeting expectations and does not support your financial objectives.

Just as you wouldn’t leave your garage in that condition, you shouldn’t ignore your mutual funds.

This blog is meant to serve as your mentor, offering you the best tips you can incorporate to manage your mutual funds from chaos to efficiency, leading you closer to your financial goals.

Identify individual goals

Imagine planning a weekend staycation then, you will pack your clothes or make a budget accordingly and differently from that of a week-long foreign trip. Similarly, different types of mutual funds carry different risks therefore based on your objectives you can choose a fund that fits your risk appetite and return expectations. When it comes to mutual funds, it’s vital to keep in mind that the level of risk goes hand in hand with the potential returns – meaning that higher risks can lead to better returns.

First, figure out if you are a non-aggressive or aggressive investor, if your goal is long-term or short-term and then select your preferred schemes.

Diversify your Portfolio

The saying “Don’t put all your eggs in one basket” is commonly used to explain the importance of portfolio diversification.

Allow us to simplify it for you. Imagine you purchased twelve eggs and placed them all in a single basket. Had you split up those eggs into two or three parts and kept them in different baskets, you could have utilized the remaining eggs. 

Similarly, with diversification when you spread your investments across different mutual funds it can reduce the impact of any bad-performing fund on your entire portfolio.

Keep in mind, that diversifying doesn’t ensure all your investments will remain intact, but it greatly decreases the risk of losing everything at once. Therefore, diversify your investments and benefit from the sense of security that comes with a properly diversified portfolio.

Review Your Portfolio Regularly

Think of your portfolio as your garden with blooming flowers of different kinds. Beautiful, right? But do you plant those flowers and forget to check on them? Of course not! If flowers are not cared for regularly, some may wither in the heat or the colourful blooms might fade. 

Similarly, when you invest in mutual funds your portfolio is like that garden and the schemes are like those flowers. If you do not regularly check those schemes you will fail to know if your schemes are performing in the favour of your objectives or not. Reviewing your portfolio can help you remove the schemes that are not performing well and maintain the overall performance of your portfolio.

Do Not Panic Withdraw From Market!

Now again think of your garden. A sudden storm approaches, bringing strong winds and torrential rainfall. Do you frantically and forcefully pull up all your flowers from the roots? Definitely not!  Even though the storm may harm certain flowers, strong plants can endure the bad weather and keep growing successfully. In the same way, a market witnesses continuous hikes and dips but the worst thing you can do during dips is panic and sell your investments.

Instead of getting anxious, a prudent investor waits for the market to recover before evaluating their investments. They may have to make changes, such as adjusting their asset distribution or swapping out poorly performing funds. Nonetheless, their carefully selected investments will serve as a solid base, ready for further expansion once the market bounces back.

Take Professional Help

Imagine you’re building a house. While you might have some DIY skills, constructing a safe and secure home likely requires expertise beyond your skills. That’s where a qualified architect and contractor come in – they possess the knowledge and experience to navigate the complexities of the project and ensure a successful outcome. Investing in mutual funds can be similar. While there are resources available to learn the basics, navigating the complexities of the financial market, choosing the right funds for your goals, and making informed decisions can be challenging. A qualified wealth manager is like your architect and contractor in this case. They can help you assess your risk profiles and suggest which schemes will be in your best interest. You will have to pay a very minimal charge for this service.


During your investment journey, you will come across many pieces of advice from your acquaintances and friends to invest in particular schemes or follow a particular pattern. While their intentions might be good, remember that everyone has different financial goals and risk tolerances.  What worked for others might not work for you. Keep the tips elaborated above in mind and ensure that your investment choices are well thought out and enacted properly. What worked for others might not work for you.

Bottom Line

If you have come this far in this blog, then you might have understood the “Tips to manage your mutual funds”.

Please share your thoughts on this post by leaving a reply in the comments section. And don’t forget to, check out our recent post on “Growth V/s Value Investing: Which One to Choose?”.

To learn more about mutual funds, contact us via Phone, WhatsApp, Email, or visit our Website.

 Additionally, you can download the Prodigy Pro app to start investing today!

Imagine your garage. Over time, it has turned into a messy collection of the most random items. You have an old record player you never use, a..

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