Here’s When You Should Review Your Investment Plan

bfcAdmin 22 Oct, 2024 11:43 am
Review Your Investment Plan

With the ever-changing world of personal finance, a strong and flexible investment setup can guide you through the achievement of long-term financial goals. But how often should a review of the investment strategy be done? Certainly, setting a reminder annually is not the answer. 

It involves holding a hawk’s eye over important life events, market-driven changes, and personal milestones that are closely related to the finances themselves. Here’s a comprehensive guide on when and why you may need to revisit your investment plan so that it stays focused on the goal.

After Major Life Events

    Life Events, such as marriage, the birth of a child, and purchasing real estate will all affect your financial condition in a major way: each event brings new responsibilities into your life and probably will change your long-term goals. For example, the birth of a child may require setting up a college savings plan, or else you need to look carefully at what is entailed in your life insurance policy in the case of a child’s birth. Getting a divorce or losing a loved one will require you to have more conservative investments to merely protect your future.

    Consider these life events as times when you need to reconsider and revise your investment strategy in light of your changed financial circumstances. This helps ensure that your investments continue to serve your goals of change, like saving for retirement, children’s education, or achieving financial independence in times of adversity.

    During Significant Market Changes

      The nature of financial markets is inherently unstable, given an array of vectors from geopolitical adversities and other economic cycles to the change in investor perception. This warrants that with every market downturn or spurt, there has to be another look at your investment plan. For instance, a bear market may make you want to rebalance your portfolio to a more conservative allocation to minimize the risk, whereas, in a bull market, it may be a possible potential profit-locking opportunity.

      However, well-placed market-driven adjustments must be implemented very carefully. Do not let impulsive moves be dictated by short-term market movements. Instead, some of the long-term goals and risk tolerances should be kept focused on. In this type of situation, the input and advice from a financial advisor will give better insight into making the right decision consistent with an overall investment strategy.

      Annually or Semi-Annually

        Even if there are no main life events or changes in the stock market, portfolio reviews at regular intervals are a must. Experts advise you to revisit your investment plan at least once or twice annually. This is to receive updates about your investment wheels and assess your portfolio performance by implementing the necessary changes in your portfolio.

        These reviews are pretty important in making sure that your asset allocation is still in line with your risk tolerance and investment horizon. 

        When Your Financial Goals Change

          Your financial goals are not static; rather, they change with time due to the change in priority, emolument, and even personal circumstances. A good example is the moment near retirement age, when one is supposed to shift investment from an area of more growth to instruments expected to yield good money, such as bonds and dividend-paying stock. On the other hand, in case of a large windfall, say of inheritance or awarding of a bonus, you could either press your wealth building or diversify to new areas where you invest.

          If your financial goals change over time, then you must readjust your investment plan accordingly. This would call for the adjustment of the asset allocation, increase or reduction in the rate at which you are saving, or some other valuable opportunity of investment that is prevalent to suit the changed goals to meet your new targets.

          When Tax Laws or Regulations Change

            Said changes in tax laws and financial regulations will closely affect the way you invest: changes to capital gains taxes, retirement account contribution limits, or tax deductions will change how you invest in money today and plan for tomorrow.

            It is important to keep up with such changes, which can make investment opportunities more tax-efficient or necessitate a switch in your portfolio. Where in doubt, always consult with the expert on taxes or a professional adviser so as to get to the bottom of the tax code maze and hence best optimize your investment strategy.

            In Response to Personal Income Changes

              If you get promoted and your salary is increased, or any such sudden inflows are received, these changes in inflows should be the best time to review the investment plan. With an increase in income, you generally can look hopefully for increasing contributions to retirement accounts, new investment opportunities, or more ambitious financial goals.

              A reduction in earned income, through job loss or career change, for example, reduces the risk tolerance level such that a conservative approach to investment may be needed then. It deems the need to reduce risks at whatever cost because of the need to maintain liquidity or sometimes reduce one’s savings rate in an effort toward financial stability.

              After Evaluating Your Risk Tolerance

                Your risk tolerance is a key determinant of your investment strategy. It represents an investor’s capacity and willingness to accept the market’s ups and downs in the search for higher returns; these cannot be avoided but managed in the best way. Throughout life, it might fluctuate due to ageing, changes in financial goals, or personal experiences with market volatility.

                Risk tolerance must be constantly reviewed to ensure that the investment strategy is consistent with the comfort level and goals set in the aim of investment. In the event one feels his current portfolio is no longer in agreement with his risk tolerance, it would then be imperative to make a case for rebalancing his investments to match one’s current disposition.


                Regular periodic review of your investment portfolio forms one of the important disciplines in attaining long-term financial success. By keeping an eye on and making needed adjustments for life changes, market changes, and changes to goals, you will have full confidence that your investment strategy has been in alignment with your goals through the years. Whether you are experiencing a major life event or just conducting a regular check-up, reviewing your investment plan is one way to spend time on your financial future.

                Call to Action

                To learn more about mutual funds, contact us via Phone, WhatsApp, or Email, or visit our Website. Additionally, you can download the Prodigy Pro app to start investing today!

                Disclaimer – This article is for educational purposes only and by no means intends to substitute expert guidance. Mutual fund investments are subject to market risks. Please read all scheme-related documents carefully before investing.

                With the ever-changing world of personal finance, a strong and flexible investment setup can guide you through the achievement of long-term financial goals. But how often should..

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