Recency Bias in Investing: Meaning & Examples

bfcAdmin 29 Aug, 2024 11:13 am

Recency Bias in Investing

We all would like to think that we are able to predict our future, especially when it comes to money. But what if our brains play tricks on us? 

Getting tension, right?

No worries, we have your back!

Today, we are going to expose one psychological bias that could be ruining your investment strategy: Recency Bias. Recency bias is the increased value given to recent events or data at the expense of long-term data or historical patterns in reaching decisions. It’s one of the cognitive biases that might quite powerfully affect many aspects of life, especially investing. This can mean an overemphasized concern with recent trends and performance of the market, and a lack of regard for the bigger picture.

The objective of the article is to highlight recency bias, explain the underlying psychology, and quantify it with real examples of occurrences in investment decision-making. Besides, we shall look at the ways to get over recency bias and focus on the essence of adopting a long-term outlook and in-depth fundamental analysis approach to investing.

An investor needs to be informed and objective towards investment decisions, for otherwise, he will not position himself towards success in the long run. Join us as we journey through this complicated landscape of recency bias in investing, equipping ourselves with the tools to mitigate its impact.

So, let’s get started!

What is Recency Bias in Investing?

Recency bias is the behavioral trait of overweighting recent occurrences or events in decision-making. This could be a cognitive bias influencing decision-making in many life matters, specifically investing. In the context of investments, this may overemphasize recent trends or performance in the market and cause people to generally dismiss or ignore long-term data or historical patterns in investment. 

For example, if the performance of the stock market has been really good in the past couple of months, an investor who looks at this performance, brandishing the recency bias, will think that is how the future is going to be as well. These will yield investment decisions that are conflicting with the long-term strategy.

The Psychology Behind Recency Bias

If we check about the psychology behind recency bias, we can say that, It all depends on how our memory works; this is a cognitive bias that affects decision-making. In the context of investing, it occurs when an investor gives greater significance to the recent events or information in his investment decisions than to the long-term trends or even the historical data. 

The reason behind this bias lies within the construction of our memory. Because the events are very fresh in our minds, our brains are inclined to give more importance to recent events. It means that investors while trying to analyze the market, may be excessively influenced by the most recent market performance. They might, therefore, miss the long-term trends and historical patterns of the market, hence making flawed investment decisions.

Examples of Recency Bias

Now we know what recency bias is and how it happens also we saw the psychology behind it. To give you a proper idea next let’s check out some examples of it;

  • Overvaluing Recent Market Performance: An investor in stock market, considering the recent pick-up in stock prices only and supposing further rise in it might invest without considering the fundamental makeup of the company and other factors that play major role in the longer run.
  • Ignoring long-term data: This involves making investment decisions based on the recent performance of a particular asset or sector and ignoring the historical returns of that asset or sector and the overall market cycles.
  • Chasing hot investments: Getting after an investment strictly due to recent media attention or market hype and not considering the long-term viability of the underlying investment.
  • Underestimating Risk: Only a view of the recent periods with low volatility and stability in the markets, it will bring undue optimism regarding the potential risks and volatility.

The above-mentioned are some of the common examples of recency bias. Come let’s see how to overcome this recency bias in investing below;

How To Overcome Recency Bias?

To overcome the recency bias in investing, one must make a decided effort toward long-term thinking and remain focused on the fundamental analysis rather than short-term market trends. This way, investors can cut down on the effects of recency bias on their decisions. Here are some practical strategies for overcoming recency bias when investing:

  • Do the Fundamental Analysis: Not driven by the trends, take a good, hard look at the underlying fundamentals of an investment. It assesses the basic drivers of the business revenues, earnings, competitive position, and trends in the industry to form decisions based on its long-term prospects rather than short-term movements.
  • Follow a sound investment strategy: Devise an investment strategy in keeping with your long-term financial goals and risk tolerance. This may include diversification across asset classes into a range of investment vehicles to minimize the impact of market volatility in the short term and manage risk.
  • Professional help: Professional help, from experts in finance, will help to get an insight into the very distinctive situation of the market and unravel a sense of mystery after huge amounts of experiences and knowledge. A financial advisor helps in giving independent advice and going through the trend-line, time series data along with historical data to make very informed investment decisions.
  • Keep Learning and Informed: Steady education with regard to market trends, economic indicators, and historical data could help in countering the effect of recency bias. Keeping one’s self updated on a wide array of information could enable investors to get an overall feel for market dynamics and not be overly influenced by recent events.

Such strategies will help investors to a great extent in limiting the effects of recency bias and will also be able to create a much more balanced, rational view toward the investment decisions that will help them succeed in the financial.

On a parting note…

Moving forward, recency bias in investment really has the potential to impact decisions in a big way by focusing on recent occurrences and trends while throwing out long-term data and historical patterns. How to overcome recency bias: Maintain a long-range view, focus on in-depth, fundamental investment analysis, avoid temptations so as not to deviate from a well-thought-out investment strategy, have diversified investment portfolios, ensure regular exposure to financial experts, and get the latest information on the trends and the history of data. 

Through this process, investors will be better positioned to make informed and objective investment decisions, with the ultimate objective of succeeding in the long run with respect to their investment exercises.

We hope that this article helps you to get an idea about recency bias, to get rid of it we suggest you follow the mentioned ideas above!

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Disclaimer – This article is for educational purposes only and does not intend to substitute expert guidance. Mutual fund investments are subject to market risks. Please read the scheme-related document carefully before investing. 


We all would like to think that we are able to predict our future, especially when it comes to money. But what if our brains play tricks..

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